Liberal? Why, yes. Yes I am.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You. Whoever you are.

My counter says 41 people have visited my blog since I put up said counter. I'm obsessive, but only about ten of those people are me.

So, who are you, Numbers 1-31? I know you're out there. I've been tracking you. Show yourself.

Please? With a cherry on top?

I know I rarely say anything meaningful, but I'm begging here. Yes, I'll beg. Often. Totally shameless, that's me.

Not that, you know, I have room to talk. I lurk all over the place. Hell, I think I've left a total of four comments, combined, on those blogs I follow on the list to the right, and that list is a drop in the pot compared to what I follow anonymously.

Alright, so I have lurkers. That's better than me talking to myself on cyberspace.


1 comment:

CAGB said...

I'm reading!

Lame captcha though - "felyme."