Liberal? Why, yes. Yes I am.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The size of the planet.

I read this blog. Don't remember how I came across it or why I'm still reading it. I don't jive or relate to the woman in any fashion whatsoever. I just got sucked in.

But that's another story for another day.

Yesterday she posted a note about this family. My morbid curiosity and the fact that they were/are from Texas (my old, if slightly large, stomping grounds) bade me visit and peruse.

Turns out this guy, David, went to my high school. He graduated three years before I ever set foot in the place, but... weird.

Kelly lives in freaking Arkansas. She blogged about this family that lives in Texas. I'm in deep southern Louisiana (almost the swamps), and I read her blog for absolutely no reason at all-anymore. She just happens to blog about the death of a man who attended my high school and whose funeral at least a few of my former colleagues (have I mentioned I once taught at my high school? Yes, yes, another story for another time...) attended.

It really is a small world after all.

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