Liberal? Why, yes. Yes I am.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dog Drug Rehab

So, did you know that June bugs are made of crack?!

Because that's the only explanation for Miss Daisy's evening obsession. She cries, whines, and barks to go outside, in the 118% humidity, just to catch and eat as many brown little fuckers as possible before being angrily dragged back up two flights of stairs. She then proceeds to sit at the tightly shut patio door and freaking attack the glass in a futile attempt to ingest even more nasty, pricky, crunchy insects of crack.

As I type, she's invading my personal space, eyes wide and pleading, "Moooooooommaaa, pease take me outsiiiiiiiiide. I need to eats s'more bugses!"

(Yes, to answer your question, Daisy speaks fluent LOLCat.)

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